Saturday, December 12, 2009

Creme or cream which is the correct spelling. I know creme bruille?

Cream is the cream from milk. Creme is when you have something made of a different material acting as cream - like in a creme egg where the %26quot;cream%26quot; is fondant icing.|||%26quot;Creme%26quot; is just the french version of %26quot;cream%26quot;, so you can put either one in your coffee. As the proper name, in this case of a dessert, it is spelled %26quot;creme%26quot; because, simply, that%26#039;s the way you spell its name.|||latter is correct|||Both are correct, creme is french and should be used as such|||Cream is English. Creme is French. Despite the sudden rise in popularity of using the word creme in place of cream on certain commercial products (e.g. %26quot;strawberries and creme%26quot; or %26quot;creme rinse%26quot;) creme should really only be used when referring to something that is French. Therefore %26quot;Creme Brulee%26quot; but %26quot;Peaches and Cream.%26quot;|||creme brulee|||depends on whether your english or french, or whether you are writing in english or french. so the answer is both!|||creme bruille is prounounced crem, cream is prounced|||creme is french. so it depends what you%26#039;re referring to, clotted cream or creme fraiche.|||Cream in English, Creme in French.|||Both of them are appropriate spellings, but they mean different things.

Cream is the stuff that comes off the top of the milk after it comes out of a cow.

Creme is the white filling that goes into cookies or is otherwise somehow artificial.

And creme brulee is spelled that way because it%26#039;s French.|||creme|||Creme Brullee is French, so that is correct and is pronounced %26quot;cremm%26quot;. In English the word is %26quot;cream%26quot; but has been changed by American commercial companies to %26quot;Creme%26quot;, presumably for the people who might think %26quot;Cream%26quot; is pronounced cree am!

The short answer is: In English the proper spelling is %26quot;Cream%26quot;.|||They%26#039;re two different things. That%26#039;s like saying desk or spoon, which is the correct spelling?|||Cream is English, creme is French. So it%26#039;s strawberries and cream or fraises a la creme if you want to charge twice as much.|||Well %26#039;cream%26#039; is the English spelling. %26#039;Creme%26#039; is the French.|||exactly as you have spelt it.....|||Creme Brulee is a french desert and creme is french for cream|||creme|||%26quot;Cream%26quot; is the English word. %26quot;Creme%26quot; is French and it%26#039;s %26quot;brule%26quot; not %26quot;bruille%26quot;. Means something like burnt cream. (If I knew how to put the accents into the French words I%26#039;d do so)|||Both are correct in different langauges. Just one is harder to say!!|||Both are correct spellings, it just depends in which way it is being used, like you said Creme Bruille and also Strawberries and Cream. They are pronounced differently as well.|||Cream

try for all your spelling needs.

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