Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chestnut cream recipe? (aka: Creme de Marron)?

I%26#039;m trying to make a chestnut cookie that requires chestnut cream in it. Since no one seems to sell it (it is a european thing, apparently), I decided to just make it at home. But, I can%26#039;t find the recipe ANYWHERE.

I do know that it%26#039;s just a few ingredients; water, vanilla?, sugar and chestnuts. However, I don%26#039;t know the measurements...

Help? Please?|||1-1/2 pounds chestnuts

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup water

1 cup heavy cream whipped

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Remove the outer and the inner skins of the chestnuts and boil until soft with just enough milk to cover. Run through a sieve. Combine the sugar and water and cook for about 10 minutes. Mix the chestnut pur茅e and the sugar syrup and, when cool, add the vanilla and the whipped cream.

Hope this helps!|||Chestnut Cookies -- Biscottini di Marroni

This old Italian recipe is the simplest of cookie recipes to make--although you might not want to cook the chestnuts in the hot ashes of the fire place, as did they did back in the old days! These old-fashioned cookies have a chewy texture and don%26#039;t have to be too sweet to be enjoyed!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line cookie sheets with wax paper .

Peel the chestnuts; boil until tender.

Mash chestnuts in a mortar, dampening the mixture with 2 tablespoons of egg white.

Blend the mixture until it is creamy, then work in the sugar as well. Once the mixture is creamy again, whip the remaining whites to soft peaks and fold them into the batter.

Pour out the batter onto lined cookie sheets in 1 by 3-inch (3 x 10 cm) strips, leaving a couple of inches between cookies.

Bake them in a moderate oven (about 175 掳C, or 350 掳F) until they are browned. Allow them to cool before you remove them from the paper.


20 chestnuts

6 egg whites

1 1/8 c. granulated sugar

sandwich the cookies with chestnut eam|||Here is a link that you can watch, video is in English.

http://ma-tvideo.france2.fr/video/iLyROo鈥?/a>|||Careful! The recipe with the whipped heavy cream in is is NOT regular cr猫me de marron, but the version that usually fills cakes or other things. Go with the one in the video, or translate the authentic one below that starts from whole chestnuts. It calls for a vanilla bean, but you can use a tablespoon of vanilla extract instead. I tried translating it on google but got hilarious results, so somewhere else may be worth a shot.

Pr茅paration : 1h

Cuisson : 45 mn

Ingr茅dients (pour 6 pots de 500g) :

- 2 kg de marrons

- 1,5 kg de sucre

- 2 verres d%26#039;eau

- 1 gousse de vanille

Pr茅paration :

Faire une incision circulaire sur les marrons (sur le dessus du marron).

Mettre les marrons dans une casserole. Couvrir largement d%26#039;eau froide. Faire bouillir quelques minutes.

Retirer du feu et prendre 2 ou 3 marrons 脿 la fois en laissant les autres dans la casserole d%26#039;eau chaude. Retirer l%26#039;茅corce.

Au fur et 脿 mesure, jeter les marrons dans une casserole contenant 1/2 litre d%26#039;eau ti猫de. Couvrir et faire cuire 脿 feu doux quelques minutes. Pour v茅rifier la cuisson : quand ils s%26#039;茅crasent facilement, ils sont cuits.

Les 茅goutter et les passer au tamis en crin !!! Personnellement, je n%26#039;en ai pas alors je les ais mis dans mon robot et les ai r茅duits en fine poudre. Ca marche tr猫s bien. Garder au chaud.

Faire avec le sucre et l%26#039;eau un sirop au %26#039;petit boul茅%26#039; (vous plongez l%26#039;茅cumoire dans le sirop, vous la sortez et vous soufflez: il se forme alors comme des bulles de savon), puis verser sur la pur茅e chaude. Ajouter la vanille.

Chauffer doucement en remuant. Laisser bouillir 15 脿 20 minutes. La p芒te doit 锚tre 茅paisse et tenir 脿 la cuill猫re. Enlever la vanille.

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